Saturday, December 11, 2004

Johnny Shearer and the Memories (Not a band)

Well, my week went really slow, to complicate things. I STILL don't have my college apps done, I've at least sent a few in, minus the music stuffs... but enough about that. I have to talk about tonight because it's the most fun I feel like I've had forever (non-literally)

I didn't have a very good day at school... I really didn't want to be there, for the first time this year. If I would have had my truck with me, I would have asked mom if I could go home (The power steering in the van is wacko. It makes this really weird sound when you turn). Anyway, I drug through video technology (doing nothing), study hall (sleeping), English (Doing nothing, so I studied chemistry), Lunch (studying chemistry), and chemistry (failing my test). I was taking the friggin' test for so long. I went all through chemistry, past chior, until only half an hour of school was left. Somehow I got my formulas all screwed up, when I was confident in what they were and how to use them. I don't know what I did, but I sure did it.

I don't really understand. I guess I'm smart, but I'm such a slow processer. I've literally been the last one done in every single test we've taken in that class. I don't know whether I just don't know the information well enough, or if I get distracted, or what. I wondered, I thought Mr. Weber was looking at me today while I took the test, and later he told me he was watching me, and that I stop to think too much. The funny thing is, the tests go by so fast, it doesn't really feel very long at all. I dunno what I'll do about that, but I'm sorta dreading getting the results back from this test. Oh well... only time will tell.

Now, to address the title of this blog. Well, it all started after school today, Scott and David decided to come over and "party". So, we watched "The Best of Will Ferrell", which is hillarious, and right about when it was over, John Shearer calls Scott's cell. He's asking if he can come over, but instead I'm like, "Why don't we go over there?". So we did, and we had a nice chat with the Shearer family minus Jen. Then, we decide to go drive around, and we covered just about every area of Loudonville, including several roads I'd never been on. Then we decided to eat at Books Baubles and Brew, but I felt guilty because they were supposed to close in twenty minutes, and they were closing early (which doesn't seem to show very much dedication to the job), so we went and bought pizzas instead and took them back to the Shearer home to cook them. Then we watched a bunch of videos from the past few years... including sophomore year band camp. It was really fun. Getting the shovel out from the back seat of the bus, homecoming memories at the Baker's... ah... yes, these are the memories that will live in infamy...

Oh, yeah. It has been brought to my attention by an anonymous heckler that there is a demand for a revival of this product.

(The Llama Song)

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It erased my entry!

Okay, okay... so I accidentally clicked on the "Save as Draft" button... my entry was not erased.... I'll finally admit that I have no idea what I'm doing writing a blog.

I really, REALLY needed this update... didn't I?

It's been a few weeks. Or about that. Y'know, I don't keep this thing very well up-to-date, do I? That's why it's handy that only about 3 people read it, so I don't have to worry about keeping it hip and trendy. Oh, and just so you can all get to "know" me better, here's a free link to my friend Scott's new Xanga.

I didn't ask for his permission to put it on here or anything, but I don't think he'll mind too much. He's got some remotely entertaining stuff on there about his... um... life, I guess, and I assume it can only get better. They're really long, too. I think he's got more written already than I do in my whole blog. Go figure.

So... yeah, what have I been upto... well, my grandma passed away last week, I think it was Wednesday... It wasn't really considered sudden, she was having trouble swallowing and was becoming dehydrated. Man, I really hope that I don't have to be put into a rest home when I get older. Besides that, it'll just be so odd. I was sorta used to going out there for family night, a monthy night of food, family, and who can forget: Bingo.

I myself don't remember a whole lot of details about grandma... I just remember her being very worrysome, and making me really delicious waffles, and about how she gradually got worse, until she had to go to the rest home. What I do remember, though, is very happy, and a great reminder of the Lingenfelter spirit. Speaking of which, I had never been to a funeral before, but I couldn't have asked for a nicer experience. My cousin's husband, luckily, is a pastor, so he took care of the sermon and whatnot, and did a great job. My favorite part, though, was everyone talking about being accepted into the Lingenfelter family. It made me happy and proud to be a member of the Lingenfelter clan, and maybe the whole experience will help me appriciate all the family does together.

The family will miss you, grandma.

Okay, okay, I'm done being mushy. What else have I been doing? Well... we decked the Lingenfelter household out with Christmas decorations... the old standby plywood trees, along with a ton of brand-spanking-new strands of lights dad bought at Dollar General, lavishly garnishing our front yard, including the bushes, the crab apple tree, and the strange little bush between our house and grandpa L's house. (It's my personal favorite)

Well... I really should get these college applications done... and study for my chemistry quiz that I missed on Friday... so, until next blog, catch ya later.