Friday, October 29, 2004

Our Final Teeter's Flea Market?

It has come to be a tradition between my good friend David and I to on an especially good occasion sing a round of the band bus favorite, "Teeter's Flea Market". What's that you say? You say you've never heard of such a song? Well, that would totally and logically make sense, because it's pretty much something David and I made up from some inspiration of our own.

You see, on our way to various band activities, we would pass by a business (I'm not exactly sure of the location) called "Teeter's Flea Market", and we found that to be such a humorous name, that we started talking about all of this stuff that they had there, and about how they had everything, so it inspired me to write the song. It's basically to the tune of the "Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" (Which you might know even less about than "Teeter's Flea Market") and we hadn't done one for a while, so we did. And these are the results.

Starting with me and alternating. May it also be said that we had many listeners, including Mr. Barone, who found it very impressive/strange.

1. Tires
2. Lipstick
3. Oranges
4. G. I. Joe
5. Dr. Z
6. Tonsilitis
7. World Peace
8. Latex Paint
9. Nahrwhale
10. Color Green
11. That Old Barn
12. Penzoil
13. The King of Town
14. Acorns
15. Ammonium Sulfate
16. My Left Leg
17. MY Left Leg
18. 45 MPH
19. Da.... da.... da da da da
20. Foriegn Ambassadors
21. A third nostril for everone?
23. Mrs. Stitzlein from the Jr. High!
24. Helium Balloons
25. The Biggest One you Ever Saw!
26. Stop!

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Weather Report

Today was a cold, dark, cloudy, rainy, windy day. My point: Winter is almost here! I'm very pleased indeed.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Blog Entry That Changed the World!

For anyone who waits on the edge of their toes to read what I have to say in here, first off, I'd like to apologize. I realize that I haven't written one of these for a while, but you must understand that creative genious takes time, and that if I just spewed it out all the time, then it wouldn't be as special. So just keep that in mind when you click on the link or open my AIM profile, just to find that I haven't updated.

Oh, and also, you need to get a hobby. I'd suggest playing video games, paticularily Nintendo-brand.

Lessee... what have I been up to? Well, David and I finally cracked down (at the last minute, typical style for our creative wonders) and got to some serious work on the senior show. Mr. Zimmerly got us all hooked up to this program on his lap top where one can play the keyboard and it'll show up onto the correct spots on the score, and then you can just print it off. Nifty sounding, eh? Yeah, it's pretty slick, and today Mr. Barone paid us a huge complement, no matter how insulting it may sound. David played what we had done so far to him, and he said, "Wow, that's awesome. I have to tell you guys, I never thought you'd make it this far, I mean, it's a really hard thing to do". Needless to say, David and I were flattered. Anyway, the moral of the story? Mr. Zimmerly's got wicked awesome music manipulating software on his laptop.

Umm... in related news (related by my activty in the activity) I had a chemistry quiz today that I was by no means ready for. The good news is that chemistry is pretty much my only real subject right now, so I can spend the whole day studying for it. I know what you're thinking. "Jimmy, I thought you are in English AP? Shouldn't you have a new essay due every day? Shouldn't you be broadening your English horizions so you can pass out of any english classes you'll be required to take in college, saving yourself money and time?" Well, you'd THINK that would be the case, but alas, it is not. But I'm missing the subject. The point is that I was totally set to fail my chemistry test today, but since I spent the whole day prior to the test studying, I probably got around a B. Actually, that class is pretty easy as it is. Mr. Webber takes it at a very slow pace, and if you can understand your optional homework (Even though I was kinda tipped off that you get extra credit if you've done it all) , you can pretty much ace the tests. Unfortionetly, I missed a few days of this chapter for college visits, and fell a little behind, and, well... I think maybe I did okay. And that's all that matters. Oh, and I had Laura "help" me with the homework, so it's all good. Before you criticize me, it's the first and last time it'll happen, so don't worry about me.

Well... I'm going to stop and actually post this one before I keep going and decide to finish it some other time and then... not. So until next time: Adios.

Oh! And now for my new segment: Link-O-The-Post!
Of course, the one to start with...
