Saturday, November 20, 2004

An Odd Series of Events

Well, first of all, I must admit that things have gotten remotely and progressively better since the week of last. I visited The University of Akron on Monday with my dad, which was a change. It was okay, I wasn't in much of a college mood, but I got to go visit with my cousins/aunt/uncle in Wadsworth. We spent the night there so that the drive was only about twenty minutes in the morning. I also had yucky Sweet and Sour soup, yummy Chewey Chocolate flavor icecream, and watched a two-hour-long documentary about the JFK assassination. Magic bullet theroy and all.

So Akron itself was okay. Really nice campus, no traffic weaving within and whatnot. Also, they had the nicest rec center I've seen of any college I've visited as of now. A really cool swimming pool with a lazy river and an actual whirlpool thing (I wanted to try it a lot :-D), and TVs corresponding to different exercise machines, and you could plug your headphones in and listen to it. I think if I exercised more (which I wish I did) I would definetly need something to keep my mind off of stopping. Oh well. Also, we met with a bunch of music people, and the experience was very personalized, and overall, very nice indeed.

Lessee... Monday night consisted of Honors Band tryouts. 11 trombones (I think). Two scales. Two selections. Two bands. Who makes the cut? Only the finest... I did okay, figured out the scales after the first guy went in, 'cause they give the same scales to everyone. (I'm a dirty rotten cheater) And not that anyone reading this cares, but I couldn't hit some high notes on the first song, and missed a few accidentals the first time around on the second. Oh, and I got to see some old aquantences (friends of my friends) and Sagan from that NYC trip Scott and I went on... I wonder if I'll be seeing her at any of the practices and stuff... oh well. But more on that later, I'm trying to tell things as they happened.

Next, Tuesday. We have an Academic Challenge meet. I do better than usual, and I'm pleased with myself. But we still only win 3/5, while the Varsity wins 5/5. Woo Hoo! Go Varsity! I'm quite pleased with them. I also saw Mrs. Boone's son, and I haven't seen him for a while. He's great. He seemed very hyper.

The next day, I hear that I got first chair in Honors Band. I'm stunned. Not expecting that at all, but I'm still quite pleased.

Umm... anyway, to get to the point of why I wanted to write a blog... Friday night, Katherine and Marissa Lunt, Seth Young, and Sarah Dye (and David for a bit) all got together to watch Elf, which is a quite humorous movie, by the way. Anyway, they were working at the Ohio Theatre, so we didn't start watching the movie at my house 'till 11. So when it was finished, it was somewhere around one. Marissa took Seth, and Sarah, Katherine and I all piled into my truck. Sarah called her mom, and her mom warned us about deer. Now, one of my greater fears is that I will someday hit a deer, so this was more than enough to keep me being cautious. Plus, the roads were rather slick, and the air rather foggy.

Anyway, we get Sarah home no problem, and we make it back to Loudonville no problem, and when we get to the Marathon, I say aloud "Well, I suppose a left here would be faster", and then Katherine says, "Yup. Straight it is." I decide to go straight, thinking of the elongated time I get to spend with Katherine. Good plan so far. But I'm still nervous and watching for deer, since I've come remotely close to one around this area before. Then, right after passing Pizza Hut, I notice these headlights glaring in my mirrors. Considering I was the only one driving on the roads, I had been going 35 so as to be safe, and look down at the speedometer, confirming so. But, seeing another motorist on my tail, I speed up while being confused as to why they aren't passing me in the other lane. Then, it happened. The blue and red lights begin to flash, I freak out, and Katherine calmly guides me as to what I should do. Calmly, that is, until I tell her I don't have my liscence. I figure this is okay, since my social security number is fairly simple, and embedded into my brain. Anyway, this officer comes up, and asks me if I know why I was pulled over. I nervously explain that I suppose it's because I was going slow, even though I wouldn't think that would be a very good reason to get pulled over on a night as such. He tells me that actually, I was clocked in at not 60, but 70 MPH while passing him at Pizza Hut. 70! Can you beleive that? I don't. I know for a fact that I was NOT going that fast, because Katherine would have freaked out, for one thing, and so would I. Also, I am still a frequent speedometer checker, even though I've been driving for quite some time, just to prevent such an occasion. Anyway, I keep telling him calmly there's no way I was going that fast, he checks both Katherine and I's SSNs, sets me with a warning, and I'm off, feeling very confused and worried, but wide awake. So I took Katherine home and was just kinda releived that I just got a warning for doing absolutely nothing. Oh well.

Ummmmmmm... I'm tired, and that's bout it, anyway, so I'll deliver more later.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Terrible week...

What all happened in my terrible week? Well, first of all, I knew I'd be busy, which is always a bad thing, considering how unorganized I am. I've got honor band tryouts to practice for on Monday, because I can't really play my trombone all that well. The silly little dinner mystery theatre thing is on Friday/Saturday, so that books all that up. Honor Chior is on Saturday, pretty much all morning, so I'll be occupied with that. I don't know what all is going on Sunday, hopefully not much. (Not that keeping busy is bad, but it doesn't leave much room for getting stuff done that you need to)

Then, a paticular ex of mine is very upset with me, and rightly so, but it doesn't make things any better for me. She's hapily hooked up again, as I wish I could be, but I don't really feel comfortable hitting the dating scene at the moment. It all seems too complicated, I remember when I first asked her out, things felt so right, even though I eventually found out that we weren't really right for eachother. But that totally makes sense. I mean, what are the odds that the woman I'm meant to stay with for the rest of my life is right here in Loudonville? Well, apparently 0%. Anyway, I'm straying from the point. The point is, she hates me, because we keep fighting, because she'll say something, then I'll say something back, or vice-versa, and then we're at eachothers throats all over again. *sigh*, and somehow, I can never manage to prevent it. It reminds me how difficult it is to keep a feud going with someone you have to be within close proximity of every day in band and chior. And if she reads this, (as I'm sure she will), I'd just like to let her know that I'm sorry, and I'll try my hardest to just let you be, and shut up, and just be peaceful.

Besides all that, I guess the headline of my crappy week would be about my video camera being stolen on Tuesday. Yes, it's true, my video camera was stolen, but you really have to know more before you point any metaphorical fingers. You see, I was helping Rachel and Andrea edit their Bio II project at the school, and after my A block, I continued to carry the camera around with me to English in B block. Well, apparently, in my absentmindedness, I left the camera on the table in the back of Mrs. Young's room (along with my Frankenstien book, which happened to contain a $10 MABA bucks certificate I was using as a bookmark). I didn't think much of the camera for the rest of the day, that is to say, I totally forgot about it. The next morning, however, I found that I couldn't very well work on the project without it. So, I backtracked in my brain and came to the conclusion that I didn't have it in lunch, so I must have left it in the English room. Appearing on such the scene, Mrs. Young vaguely remembered moving such a bag that my camera was contained in to her bookshelf in the back of the room, thinking that it was a lunchbag. Well, I was confused, thinking maybe I left it somewhere else, but also puzzled, because she also had my Frankenstien book. I knew it was mine because the page had been folded over where I was reading, but my bookmark was gone.

Thinking I had only lost ten bucks, I went to the office to see if they'd had anything turned in. Nope. Nothing. I knew it wasn't in the chemistry, band, or choir rooms, so I pretty much figured it had to be in the English room. But it wasn't. So I talked to Mrs. Young who came to the conclusion that it had indeed been stolen and that I should probably go to Mr. Eckenwiler's office and talk to him. So, sickeningly nervous, I went and told him all I knew, including a description of the bag, where it had been lost, etc. He told me some stuff about how the might press charges, since technically the culprit did steal from school grounds, reguardless the circumstances, and that I would be notified if anything turned up or if I was needed (neither of these really happened... all I really know since then has pretty much been told to me by my mother)

So I went and told mom, she called dad, they're both angry at me, I'm angry at myself, feeling very dumb already, knowing there isn't really much I can do. Noone that can really consul me or make me feel any better. So I'm fairly depressed through the rest of the day. Later, I ask Mrs. Young if there's any progress on the case, she tells me yes, but that she can't tell me anything until she's talked to Mr. Eckenwiler.

Then, after school, mom tells me that dad's called her, and he needs to know where the registration and whatnot for the camera is, so he can give the police more information. I don't know where this stuff is offhand, so I go home and find it, on the way, Mr. Barone tells me that he saw someone being taken out of the school in handcuffs, dad calls the police and starts telling them stuff, they call me down to the station, and after a reasonably lengthy questioning period, I come to discover that they already have a suspect, and when I hear the name, I'm not totally surprised, but I'm disappointed that someone I have nothing against would do such a thing. I was kind of hoping it was someone with a motive, as pathetic as that sounds, someone who took it just to spite me, not for whatever other purposes. Unfortionetly, at this point, the suspect is just that- a suspect, so my hopes don't get raised too much. I filled out this weird complaint form, or whatever it was, and then was on my way. Still I have too many questions unanswered, which nearly frustrates me, but I guess I'm just glad someone has been found that knows about the happenings to my camera.

Today, I'm told that that this person may have been expelled, that maybe he sold the camera, but I really don't know anything for sure. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I'm not being informed about anything that's going on. I'm assuming that since I haven't been officially told a thing, that it's considered none of my business? So I'm not asking Mrs. Young any questions. She was all stressed out today, and kept leaving class without telling us, but she slipped me a hint that it had to do with my camera being taken, so I guess I can survive without knowing. It helps when I just sit back and reflect, thinking that I'm just lucky that they found the kid. I honestly didn't expect any results at all. But it all comes back to me forgetting the camera in the first place in my mind, and that doesn't help things at all.

Oh well... anyway... I guess I'll just quit for the night while I'm ahead... goodnight.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

How was my weekend?

It was pretty darn good. To start it off, I had to wake up at 5:30 to go visit Wright State University. I let my mom take care of the 3 hour drive (with missing an exit or two) whilst I napped, and I got to reminisce about Summer Technical Theatre Camp from a year past. Ahhhhhhh... Those were the days...

But anyway, I like their campus. And they've got some pretty good programs to offer, so that brings that place to about number two on my list, but that's not really what's important. Last night, on the spur of the moment, I was inspired to get a group together to go see a movie. So, to summarize, Jen & Justin Shearer, David, Krystle, Katherine and I all went to see the movie "The Incredibles" and it was really really great, in my opinion, definetly the best movie I've seen for a while.

Well... I'm bored. I guess I'll post some more later.