Question? - or - Another Reason I'm Probably Going to Hell
So, the other day, I was cruising around Facebook, as I so often find myself doing, and I clicked on someone's (who shall remain anonymous) Xanga. I read into it for a while, probably a lot longer than I ought to have, and decided that this person (whom I am already biased against for no definable reason other than to state that I have a bad taste in my mouth for their general demeanor) was just a little too attention-seeking in their Xanga, and I started wondering about the motives behind having a Xanga, or a Blog, or whatever you may have. Myself? I think I have mine because I like to write, so every now and then, when I get the urge to write, whether it is to entertain an imaginary audience, or bring up a point just to get something off my chest, or very rarely to inform all three people that read this about what's going on... I just write. And I enjoy language. I enjoy using unconventional contractions, such as "could've", "'cept", and even "It's'nt" (Although I don't think I've ever been in a situation where I actually used that one)
My point of bringing up that last odd sentence-fact? I use my blog to entertain myself. Do I expect any comments? No. Do I get any? Seldom. Do I look for attention through a blog? No. I don't write down weird little things in here so people will come up to me and say, "Hey, I read that little cryptic message in your Blog that said you might be getting a girlfriend. Your plan worked! I'm inquiring so that you can brag to me about it."
Nah. That's not my style. It seems a little pathetic to me. And heaven forbid I be the one to decide what's pathetic and what's not, but I have regardless. So, yeah... to broaden the topic back out, I have decided that it is these little thoughts I have against people that make me a bad person deemed fit for an eternity in Hell. I can't help it. I USUALLY think I have a pretty good reasoning going on in my head when I deem someone a "bad person". Honestly, I don't think my requirements to qualify are that difficult. But there are a lot of people out there whose actions are just unacceptable! I don't know how people can act certain ways and still be okay with how they live. I do have ideas of WHY these people act this way, though. I've taken the liberty to arrange them in a very unbalanced list of loose reasons:
- They don't care about other people's well-being in general
- They purposefully put other people down to make themselves feel better, due to an insecurity
- They're just too inept to act in an acceptable fashion (They're stupid)
- They think that they ARE acting the right way, but really, they're entirely wrong (Playing to the wrong audience, perhaps?)
- And probably some other stuff that is even less organized into a coherent thought.
A lot of these ideas/reasons cross into eachother. They can stem from a myriad of sources. Family? You betcha. Either a bad or not loving family, or a family with morals or values that are just too loose. Or you could just have a dumb and/or crazy family (I don't hold people of a lower intelligence against ANYONE, but it definetly complicates situations with the people that I have other things against)
I've been meeting a lot of people like this in college, and it's a bit frustrating. However, I'm also meeting more than enough awesome people to balance it out, so I am counting my blessings. I've already made more friends so far this semester than all of last year combined.
Finally, I'd like to apologize for an explosion of complaints in this post. I'd also like to thank my family, my friends, and any random stranger who has ever held open a door for me, told me that I dropped my keys as I walked down the street, or even just made sure that all 5 of my tacos are in my order at Taco Bell. I'm so glad that my family has raised me to be the loving, caring, considerite person that (I think) I am today. My friends, for giving me the thumbs up on the way I am and making it worth the run, and all those other folks for basically giving me a thumbs up as well by following suit.
Anyway, before I make myself look like any more of a jerk, and make this post any more of a disorganized mess... I'd better go.
Weird Dreams - Part 1
Wow. Sometimes writing an opening to a blog can be tough. I just wrote like, three beginnings, and then proceeded to decree each one too lame to open such a momentus entry. And I'm not thinkin' this one looks much better, but... it's all I came up with.Anyway, school at Akron for this year is pretty much awesome... I'm having a MUCH better time than last year already, and things are only gonna get better. I'm a squad leader in the marching band (in the most awesome trombone section we've ever had (in all my two years there)), and I made second chair in the Concert band. Not bad for only practicing a few days, I'd say...But as I sit here in the TV room of my house, I have to sort of sit back and reflect on things. I decided to come home this weekend, because it's a long weekend what with Labor Day and all (Happy Labor Day! Woo-hoo!), but other than the fact that I forgot my trombone mutes here (I know, how could I?), I didn't have much of a reason to come back. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love seeing my family and everything, but I didn't really need to come back.Regardless, various factors, including the fact that pretty much everyone else on campus went home this weekend, except those who are busy with their significant others, compelled me to come back home and just sort of chill. It was a really close vote, I switched my mind about whether I was gonna come home or not several times, much to the confusion of Nate, whom I was supposed to give a ride home to...But enough about that. You guys saw the title of the entry. It's supposed to be about the weird dreams I've been having, and for some odd reason, remembering rather vividly. Usually I forget about my dreams... not that I remember that I forgot them, but... well, you know.Dream #1 - Los AngelesIn this dream, for some odd reason, I was driving a rather uncontrolable Jeep down the really steep hills of Los Angeles, and this thing was flying, lemme tell you. It wasn't completely my fault, though, because these hills were steep to a surreal degree. Oh, and it had ridiculously bad breaks. So anyway, I'm driving, my sister Loren is riding shotgun, and my buddy David is in the back. Well, I'm sorta nervous, because I haven't hit anything just yet, but we are just zooming down this ridiculously steep hill, toward this bridge over the bay. Well, we get about half way down this ski-jump of a hill, and all of a sudden I notice the bridge is closed off by a police barricade. Well, naturally, I've been trying to slow down the whole time we've been driving, and slamming on the brakes to no avail, and I just slam at high speed right into the back of this police car, narrowly avoiding taking out the officer standing beside the car, presumably the officer assigned to this specific car. Well, I don't know if this car is made out of plastic or something, but the Jeep ricochets off of this police car and turns around the other way. Somehow, I have enough time to see that the impact made a nasty dent in the back of the car, and I also notice that the officer is literally jumping up and down with rage with a beet-red face. So I sorta drive off into an unoccupied lane (my car doesn't seem to have been damaged by this meteor-like impact) and I'm pretty panicked. I'm just waiting for this policeman to come over and start tearing me a new one, but we wait for what seems like forever, and he never comes. I'm discussing things to David and Loren in a relatively calm matter, explaining to them that I'm mostly worried about telling my parents what happened. Then I ask them if they think the officer even noticed it was me, because he hasn't come over to inquire or anything. Well, just as my curiousity begins to be piqued, some random stranger comes over to inform me that the officer is really angry about what happened, and is looking for the guy who did it so he can shoot him with his shotgun, which is apparently standard issue for policemen in my dream world. Naturally, this doesn't sound all this appealing to me, and apparently he doesn't know that it was me, really, so I drive off as fast as I can, which indicates that I haven't really learned any lesson by this.There was more to the dream, something about us finally getting to my non-existant relative's house in Los Angeles, and my parents surprise us by showing up there, but I'm nervous about them finding out about the accident, so things are awkward, and then I think the police show up to arrest us for the whole event, and it gets a little blurry from there... something about us running away from the police inside of a big inflatable ball...? I don't quite remember. But it was... weird.Oh, and I had another dream, but the only part I remember is me throwing this naked, evil chick into a bathroom and locking the door behind me. I mean, she was like, really evil, like, scary evil, and I was saving the inhabitants of the house by locking her away. Pretty heroic of me, huh? Dunno why she was naked, but let's not delve into that any further.Dream #2 - Cute Girl Dream #1I tentatively title this dream "Cute Girl Dream #1", because I seem to have dreams about cute girls a lot, and somehow, in my dreams, all of my flirting is successful. So it's pretty enjoyable when I finally get the girl to date me, until I wake up and realize that I'm not quite that good at life in real life. (This is when the Matrix seems like a pretty good option) So, anyway, I don't exactly know where the dream begins, but I do know that it takes place shortly after graduating from high school, because our principal, Mr. Blubaugh, was conducting a practice for the annual senior celebration hoe dance. For some reason, about six of us "seniors" (Most notably, me and Scott) were at some strange square at the top of some steps, doing a highly-choreographed dance with garden hoes. The funny part is, I got really into it, and started embellishing on the choreography, and everyone thought I was doing an awesome job, and it was the best... Senior... Celebration... Hoe... Dance... EVER. Just so you know. Oh, and some van was parked there, and it had a bumper-sticker with my grandpa Lingenfelter on it. Just a little wild card my subconcious decided to throw in there.Okay, so for the next part, I was either at a weird, high-tech highschool, or at an airport terminal that just happened to be filled with students that looked like they were on their way to class. Anyway, although I had no reason to be there, I was, and I started talking to this girl (The aformentioned cute girl) about how I was having a get-together at my house later, and she should totally come. Well, she told me she would come, but that she couldn't stay out too late, because she had been out really late the past few nights and her dad was starting to worry about her. So I said, that's cool, we'll get you back whenever you need to be back, and then... uh, left the school / airport, I guess... I mean, I don't remember actually ever leaving, but the next thing I knew, I was at my party at my house. The lights were all off, and a bunch of people were watching a movie or something, but then the girl came, and we sort of hit it off, and she got into this bed, which, oddly enough, was built into one of the shelves of the entertainment system, and wanted me to come with her so we could cuddle and talk about forming a relationship. Well, something happened about how I had to find my cell phone so I could register her phone number, but it took me a while to find it, and then I couldn't figure out how to get people's numbers into it, so by the time I got that all settled, she wanted some ice cream. Well, everywhere was closed except McDonalds, and my sister happened to be working the midnight shift there (sorry, Loren, the fact that my subconcious made you a McDonalds manager does NOT neccisarily reflect the veiws and opinions of my concious mind... consider yourself lucky for being featured in TWO of my dreams!)So anyway, me and a couple random people that I know from college were on our way to McDonalds, back through the same square I was Hoe Dancing on earlier, and a fairly deep snow was on the ground, but we were sprinting to the car, and somebody said, "Good Morning!", so I starting singing the Beatle's song to myself, and then the other two people joined in, and I remember thinking, "Awesome! I didn't think anyone else knew that song!" and we sang through the whole thing, as I did some vocal percussion for the song... and it was, as aformentioned, weird, but only in retrospect. Then I saw my friend Elise getting into a van, and for some reason, she was really mad at me. Not sure what relevance that part has, but it seemed to be a pretty vivid part of my dream. Oh well, anyway, so we drove to McDonalds, and not that I remember actually going in, but somehow, Scott and I were behind the counter, and Loren, the nightshift Manager was laughing at us for being back there, but telling us that we needed to leave, because some customers were coming upto the drive-in window, and if it was her boss and he saw us, she would be fired. So I told her I just needed a vanilla milkshake for my girlfriend, and then we were back at the party.I think that's about it... I don't think I ever got to cuddle with the girl, and I remember the whole dream I was worried because I was taking forever to do all of this stuff, and she was waiting for me the whole time... I don't quite remember. But it was... weird.Well, I think this was quite long enough. Interesting note, though, the girl wasn't just a random cute girl, it was a specific cute girl, but I chose not to include that information just to protect the identities of those parties involved. I'm assuming you won't lose any sleep (no pun intended, if there even really is a pun there) over trying to figure out who it was, or praying to God that it wasn't you.So until next time, sweet dreams, everyone.-Jimmy