Sunday, March 05, 2006

Yeah, I heard it's going around.

So this "survey" thing, whatever you want to call it, has been in a few people's blogs that I read, and I found theirs interesting enough to read, so I figured I'd do one of my own. I had an awesome weekend, but I need some time for the events to marinade in my head so I can make sure to give such an awesome weekend an awesome-as-deserved post.

Has he ever...

Given a hickey: Yes, yes I have.
Danced around in your underwear: I'm gonna have to say no...
Gotten a hickey: No ma'am.
Gone to summer camp: Not for years, but yeah, I went to bike camp, canoe camp... and yet, I'm so out of shape? I don't know what went wrong.
Sang into your hairbrush: I don't have a hairbrush... maybe this thing was counting on only being completed by women?
Refused to listen to a teacher: Not refused to listen, but maybe just not listened because I felt I didn't need to, or refused to really care or respect what they had to say.
Cried in public: I'm sure I have, but usually I try and take it elsewhere. Not that it occurs often, lol
Made a perverted snowman: Ummmmm... no.
Done the splits: Maybe when I was little. I WAS in gymnastics way back when.
Picked flowers from other people's lawns: I don't think so.
Walked around in your underwear: Yeah, when noone's gonna notice.
Been grounded: Yes, yes, but not for a long, long while. I'm a good boy. :-D
Tripped on your feet: Just did today, actually. But usually I catch myself.
Checked under your bed before going to sleep: Um... maybe if I'm missing something...
Played on a sports team: Of course. Soccer is pretty much the best sport to play ever.
Spent all day on the computer: Umm... probably. Plenty of days on video games all day, I figure that's the equivalent.
Worn black nail polish: How about, NO nail polish?
Forgotten a birthday of someone important: Yeah... Issac Newton's always seems to slip my mind...
Had a conversation with yourself: I'm sure. I have a lot of mental conflict.
Fallen asleep at school: Of course. 1st time was in Word Processing, though.
Lied to a doctor: No, but I might have told them wrong information.
Been to a slumber party: ...I guess you can call it that?
Had a pillow fight: Of course... good stuff.
Lied about your age: I'm sure, but not to accomplish any overly-nepharious goals.
Made fun of someone to fit in: Probably at some point in my life, but no time recently. I usually say what I really think.
Stood up for someone who was being bullied: More often in my head than in real life, but yeah.
Heard people talking badly about you: Yes, it's fairly inevitable in high school.
Been called fat: All the time. More often by myself.
Been called anorexic: I don't think the thought has ever even crossed anyone's mind.
Fainted: Nah. I'm too well-nourished and don't push myself physically to faint.
Went outside in underwear: ...not that I can recall? Maybe when I was a kid.
Worn an article of clothing without realizing the tag was still on: Probably.
Kicked someone 5 years younger than you: Erin comes to mind... (sorry Erin!)
Cursed at a teacher: Yes, I suppose I have, but not when I thought they were listening. And it probably wasn't very graphic.
Cried in front of a teacher: Yes, I forget exactly when, though.
Cursed at a parent: Nope.
Done drugs: None of the non-perscribatory orientation.
Licked somebody: Two words: Mario Kart.
Called the police: Not that I recall.
Made a prank call: I'm sure I have.
Stolen something from a store: ...yes. But don't tell.
Said a racist comment and meant it: I'm pretty un-racist, but coming from Loudonville, I've been pretty sheltered from exposure. I've probably said some racist things that I didn't mean to be so, but...
Made yourself throw up: Ew, blech, ugh, no.
Thought you were going crazy: Slowly, but surely.
Doubted your sexuality: No, I know myself like the back of my hand... wait...
Lied to a teacher: Of course... it happens.
Wished you were dead: Yeah, but I've got too many people I care about to stop living.
Tried to kill yourself: No... I've got instincts like none other, and like I said, I have a lot of people I really care about.
Given the finger to a complete stranger: I don't think so... I'm pretty passive. And I like to at least TRY to treat others as I want to be treated.
Been to a concert: Yeah, a few, but not like a rock concert or anything.
Went to school in pajamas: I think so... it's comfy. I would do it more often if I had the chance now, though.
Hurt an animal on purpose: People are animals, aren't they? Oh, and I've killed a lot of bugs.
Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad: Yeah, I remember when I was little I got really mad at Loren for something, so I ran up to her room and found a yearbook and tore it in half. Turns out it wasn't hers, but, erm...
Cheated on a test: Duh. I think nearly everyone has at least once.
Copied off of someone else's homework: Of course
Sworn at a little kid: Nah, I'm pretty good at keeping myself from swearing, especially at other people.
Driven while you were drunk: I've been drunk?
Been in a car accident: Yes, but none so far have been my fault, thank God.
Spit in someone's food: Not that I recall
Ran away from home: Not since I was little.
Skinny-dipped: Nah, some day, after I lose some weight.
Held a real gun: I think? I KNOW I've held a real paintball gun... lol
Wished someone would die: Yeah, but... either way is okay.
Been beaten up: Not really.
Beat someone else up: I get the urge, but I'm still too passive.
Wished someone would be raped: ...that is by far, the strangest question I've ever read on one of these things.
Wondered what the world has come to: Well, it all makes acceptable sense, so I don't really question it.
Had a crush on a teacher: Probably. Can't remember, though.
Ate so much you got sick: I've eaten too much on too many occasions, yes.
Hurt yourself on purpose: Probably, but nothing serious.
Thrown a glass object so that it broke: Yeah, it's strangely fun to break stuff sometimes.
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope. But sadly, it's still really easy to mess up at being a boyfriend even if you're faithful.
Kissed someone you hardly knew: I wouldn't say hardly... but definetly not for a very long time.
Smoked a cigarette: Nope, and never.
Broken a bone: No, I live a very restrained life.
Bitten someone: lol, yeah
Worn a mini skirt: Absolutely!
Made out with someone of the same sex: Yes, but Scott makes an awfully convincing woman.. it was his legs that did it.
Eaten dog/cat food: I don't think so.
Stuck gum under a table: Gum is bad stuff.
Written on a desk at school: Yeah, but probably just with penicl, and then I probably erased it.
Chewed a pencil: Yeah, I chew my mechanical pencils all the time, until I realize I'm doing it.
Spit on someone: Yes.
Been spit on: Yes.
Driven over your lawn: Yes.
Told your crush you liked them: Yes, and then we dated and it was oh so nice. :-)
Skipped class: Yes, on occasion. It's a lot easier to do now that I'm in college and all.
Written on a cubicle in a public bathroom: Nope. Although I'm glad other people do, it's interesting reading.
Stayed up all night: Yeah... it's compulsive, and sleep is a terrible idea.
Eaten a bag of cookies in a day: Probably not a bag... probably one of those plastic-tray thingies.
Been kicked out of a store: No, I wouldn't want to do that to the workers... I have a hard enough time ID-ing people myself.
Put dog/cat food in someone's food: Not that YOU know of... ha ha ha...
Refused to pay someone back after you promised you would: Probably. Intentionally AND unintentionally.
Read someone else's diary: Yes.
Sworn at an animal: Hrm... I don't recall. Seems kind of pointless.
Tripped in public: Yes, and it's embarrassing even if noone notices.
Walked into a pole: Of course.
Walked into a parked car: Of course as well.
Found someone much older than you very attractive: Yeah... it's pretty easy to do.
Stapled your finger: I don't recall.
Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt: Probably.
Found a bug in your cereal: Ew, no, my cereal is a sacred meal.
Been so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom: I suppose, but usually the need to pee is stronger than the need to be lazy.
Fell off the bed: yeah, and I had a falling dream, and it was pretty cool.
Peed your pants at school: Probably when I was younger, but not that I remember.
Almost drowned: I've felt like it, but probably not. You get that feeling a lot when you're in swim team for 9 years and you're out of shape for a good part of those years.
Had a black eye: Not a major one.
Went rollerblading and crashed into a bush: Rollerblading? That's so 90s.
Made fun of someone because they were fat: Probably indirectly.
Snuck out of the house: I wouldn't call it sneaking, but I suppose I probably have.
Dyed your hair: Nah... mine works for me.
Cut your own hair: A bit.
Been stung by a bee/wasp: Yeah, but it's been a while.
Climbed on a roof: Yes, it's easy when you're actually SPIDERMAN!
Worn gothic make-up: It doesn't really fit me all that well, even as a joke.
Had a contact break in your eye: Yes. I hate contacts. But I also hate glasses. Bah on eyes.
Had food poisoning: Ew, yes... not cool.
Had heat-stroke: No, I've been dehydrated, though.
Bought an article of clothing and never wore it: I don't recall, but I don't have a lot of clothes, so pretty much everything gets worn eventually.
Cut yourself on a blade: It happens to everyone some day.
Fallen on glass: I don't think I've ever fallen on glass, per sey
Worn an article of clothing that was lime green: Yes, awesome color.
Eaten a bug: Most likely. But not conciously.
Eaten something that fell on the ground: Of course.
Been to a shrink: I'd like to, even though I don't think it would help me, but I haven't.
Had surgery: Yes.
Needed braces: Been and gone, which is awesome. In retrospect, they weren't terrible, though, but it's infinity times better without 'em.
Worn a bikini: No comment.
Failed a test: Probably.
Failed a class: C in Spansih II is the closest I've ever come.
Been teacher's pet: No, but I'm a respectful kid, so I do well.
Been teacher's least favorite student: Nope.
Slow danced: Yes, and I'd like to someday again...
Been afraid of the dark: Yeah, I've been afraid of what might be lurking in the dark... even in dumb places like my own house.
Seriously thought of hurting someone else: I've THOUGHT of it, but I'd probably never do it.
Had a cavity: Yes. :-(
Been in love: Yes... still am.
Played truth or dare: Yeah... it's always silly, though, noone actually does anything all that daring.
Walked in on your parents when... yeah....: Nope.
Slept in the nude: Well, I don't mean to scar you all for life, but I have before.
Watched the movie Glitter: Ew, ugh, blech, no.
Flashed someone: Yeah, this survey's totally for girls... um... oops.
Been kissed: Definetly. Some girls just can't help it. ;-)
Kissed someone else: Yes, and I miss it. Moreso the hugs, though.
Sung along to a foreign language song: Of course.
Played in the rain: It's really fun, being out in a thunderstorm on a really warm summer day is the bomb.
Went on a road trip with friends: This summer, the American Mid-west better watch out for us!

Well... there ya go. I'm hoping this thing is relatively more interesting to read than it was for me to write. I think I'll try to hold off from doing these things too often... does WONDERS for procrastination, though. Anyway, expect a post sometime soon about the weekend... it was awesome.

keep reading my blog, (or else!),



Blogger Katherine said...

Wow. I am highly impressed that you wrote another blog entry so soon! Keep it up and you may be as cool as me. Heehee.

9:13 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I'm really sorry..

5:55 PM  
Blogger Marissa said... are NOT spiderman

12:31 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

Wow. I learned some things about you. :)

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... we've had many slumber parties, yes you have danced around in your underwear...if you would even call it that! You pervert! Oh my it's beautiful though! WEST!!!!

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit...I alwasy forget to tag my messages...that was Scott again.

5:45 PM  

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