Saturday, March 11, 2006

An update written this weekend... about last weekend.

Okay, okay, so I've been putting this blog off because I haven't been in a writing mood. However, inspiration struck me as I was brushing my teeth while getting ready to go to bed. I've got the writin' fever, so this might be sort of a lengthy one. This is probably one of the stranger conditions I've written a blog under, Erin is currently in my room, on the air mattress, sound asleep. (She's here for sibs weekend, in case there are those of you out there who think I like to keep my little sister around college with me as a slave to do my bidding. Hm... actually... if everyone wouldn't think I was nuts and if I had room to keep her... that's not a bad idea! She could probably stay under my bed... I'll think about it... oh, I'm still in parenthesis.) We should have a fun-filled day tomorrow, they've got all sorts of neat activities planned, like Photo Key Chains, Karaoke, Get your Charicatures drawn with your brother or sister, and, hey, this paper even says that THE Sparkles the Clown will be doing... FACE PAINTING! I cannot wait.

Anyway... to get down to business. I need to write down the events of last weekend before they're forever wisked away in my memory, or rather, lack thereof. It all started last Friday, Krystle was on her way home to L-ville for Spring Break, and decided she'd stop on by to check out my digs and hang with me for a while. After deciding that my bare walls were a sad case and that my mattress was hard as a rock (I'm not a picky sleeper, what can I say? Although I'd have to say the worst conditions I ever had were at the Burd's house at a bonfire. There were a lot of people to accomodate, so I ended up sleeping on the floor under a pool table... I realize that being under the pool table did not in any way make it more comfortable, but... it seemed to be the right thing to do. Oh, and I had a blanket, and I gave it away to Jen Shearer to be a gentleman, and then when I woke up in the morning, I realized she hadn't even been using it. There's a moral in that story somewhere, but once again, this parenthesis-statement has gone on for far too long. Enough!), we were on our way to get some grub at Swensons. By the way, if you've never been to Swensons, stop on by sometime if you're ever in the Akron area. Their food is delish, and the novelty of a drive-in restaraunt is just too neat-o to pass up on occasion. Krystle, who graciously offered to drive, had to choke her burger down in seconds before we entered the theatre (I was impressed), and then we sat down to watch The Pink Panther.

It's been a LONG time since I saw any of the original Pink Panther movies, but I still remember them being a lot better than this movie. Maybe my memory's fuzzy, maybe I just fell for their classic charm, but this movie was by no means in deservance to share their namesake. Don't get me wrong, I love Steve Martin, The Jerk and The Three Amigos are a hit every time in my mind, but his recent film repetior has been... shall we say... lacking. What's he been in? I can't even recall... um.... Cheaper by the Dozen? Bringing Down the House? Ummm... Cheaper by the Dozen... 2? Sure, sure, they're acceptable, and they're sort of funny, but by no means should such comic genious be lowered to such simple comedic movies.

Anyway, point is, Pink Panther really isn't worth the cash, unless you wait until it hits your local dollar theatre. I'm not even going to attempt to scrutinize the plot, because comedies dont' always have to have a super-plot to be good, although it helps, but it just wasn't very well developed. Not nearly as enjoyable as I had hoped. But who am I, Rodger Ebert? Oh well. Sorry Steve, no offense. We're still cool, right?

Okay. So Krystle left on her way, we said our goodbyes after I whined to HER about how broken up I am about my ex-girlfriend (Ha ha, get it? BROKEN UP?... Yeah, sorry, I seem to have inherrited some of my dad's sense of humor...) and I went up to my room to clean for David... except I got distracted because Scary Movie 3 was on TV. I don't really approve, but Leslie Neilson was in it, and he's really funny, so I watched some of it. And then I fell asleep. Wow... this story just keeps getting better and better, huh?

Well, here's the good part, wherein my good friend David enters, stage left. I woke up in the morning and made my way to Cleveland to pick up David. After calling him for about the 10th time to make sure I was going the right way, I finally found him and picked him up. For those of you that don't already know, David is pretty much the coolest kid I know. Heck, he IS the coolest. Not cool like, he always has a light, or he does sweet jumps on his Harley, but cool like... he's awesome. Oh, and he can juggle. If you ever get the chance, ask him to do the juggling thing where he grabs a ball, takes it up, then over, and lets go of it, while juggling the other two balls. It's pretty sweet. Maybe if I keep hanging out with him, he'll let me in on some of his sweet skills.

Anyway, we made it back to Akron without a hitch, or without getting lost in the slums of Cleveland and without opting that our best way out was to follow a strange, undeterrminable-gendered byciclist (THAT'S what happened last time... it was frightening), and met up with Laya and Stephanie (The roomie). We were going to go bowling, but Laya informed us that she gets free billiards 'cause she's taking pool class right now, so we were all for that. Holding on to money and still having fun is pretty sweet. So we played pool, and of course, I won. I don't like to brag, but when it comes to pool... I'm reeeeeeally lucky. Seriously. I'm not that good. I almost lost, and David and I put Laya in some sort of slump, so I got really lucky. Then we played teams, and David and I lost to Laya and Stephanie. Apparently my luck isn't strong enough to take on two other people whilst supporting another. I'll keep that in mind next time I get into a knife fight in the streets of Akron.

This part was really fun. We went upstairs in the Student Union, and just sat around for a while, but we got David to play the piano that they have near the Starbucks. It was fun, he played some bits of rags that he remembered, and some random jazz chord stuff, which was really neat. It brought back memories of high school days of yesteryear. Most every day, between choir and band, David and I would chill in the practice room, he would play piano stuff while I either failed miserably to add to the music with random percussiveness, singing, or playing along on the lower keys. Thinking back on this... it probably wasn't so much of a help. BUT... it's all about the memories, baby. Oh yeah.

Okay, so, this is the part where it got sort of boring. Sorry, David. We went back to my room, David played Nintendogs (I borrowed it from Stephanie, it's okay) and we watched part of RENT (I wouldn't reccomend), then it was time for the main event of the weekend: An Evening with Colin Mocherie and Brad Sherwood. For those of you who have never seen the wonderful programme Who's Line is it, Anyway?, well... you're missing out. Catch some reruns on the ABC Family channel sometime. As far as I'm concerned, it's the only reason to ever watch the channel. Anyway, they basically did exactly the same thing as they do in the show, only obviously with the two of them. It was really funny, and I was especially excited about getting to see Colin, but I was surprised to find out that I thought Brad actually did a better job of being funny for the night. I suppose everyone's allowed to have an off-night, but he really did seem to take command of all the sketches. Good on you, Brad. I almost feel guilty for telling everyone I was "going to go see Colin Mocherie" and not even mentioning you. But I mean, which one of you is the Snack Fairy, huh? I rest my case. So, yeah, it was really funny, but the audience gave TERRIBLE suggestions. Just to name a few, in a sketch, one kid suggested Brad be wearing "Dead Fingers", another amazing patron said that he stole "The Possum Van", and another theatre-goer suggested one sketch take place in "The Salt Dome", which just resulted in a sad sketch of it's own. All-in-all, it was definetly worth it to be in the comedic presence of THE Colin Mocherie. I am truely humbled.

Anyway, the rest of the time was pretty boring. We ate delicious pizza, courtesy of Hungry Howie's, watched Anchorman, and fell to sleep as we contemplated the significance of human existince. Yeah, that's what smart guys like us think about when we fall asleep, you wanna fighta boutit? Then I took him back in the morning. Nothing too radical.

So all in all... it was an awesome weekend. I got to see some of my best buds, who, along with my family, make life worth living, and I got to have some good times, which always rock. Ummm... I think I've exhausted most of my writing capabilities for the evening... plus, Erin is probably going to exhaust me tomorrow. I don't know which of the fun-filled activities she plans to drag me to, but I'm pretty sure that she's psyched about the leisure pool (It IS pretty sweet). I'm sure I'll have another post on that soon enough, hopefully not a week from now.

Oh, and thanks for all of those of you that have commented recently. I'd say I've been updating pretty well for the past few posts. I'm not gonna lie; I do write this thing mostly for myself for future reference, but the comments really help keep me going at it. For those of you who read it and didn't comment (if any), all I have to say is... C'mooooooooooonn!

Well, that's all she wrote.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say 'twas an excellent weekend. good show, good pizza, bad audience*, good times.

"I make you dead."

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Martin might just be leavin' his prime....I love him to death...I mean...he's my main reason for picking up the Ukulele. Maybe since his early stuff was soooo good, this is just life's way of balancing out his life....I mean...using the example of Will Ferrell, if he's gonna pop out movies like Night at the Roxbury, Elf, Anchorman, and the upcoming Ricky Bobby movie (those are the only ones that I know he took part in writing)....I'll take a Bewitched or a Kicking and Screaming, which personally I didn't think were that horrible and did have some very funny parts(I've definitely seen worse movies...I mean come on), then yes...I'll allow it. It's hard to be a comedic actor because first you have to accept that you may never be taken seriously as an actor, which personally I would never want to do in the first place...and second, sometimes you have to do favors for friends...and those favors just happen to be bad happens. So Steve dear friend...I believe you have a few more in're due, and I know you can perform! Go get 'em tiger!!!! Oh, and Will Ferrell rocks...I think I'm obsessed with him...gosh...

2:41 AM  
Blogger Katherine said...

Wow...really long entry. All I have to say is, David is rather awesome, Rent is very awesome, and I watched Scary Movie 3 too! It's rather sad...

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was very delighted to read this post! I feel honored. It was a definite start, if not the best thing I did on my spring break...that should tell you a lot about my break! Swenson's was awesome, however I would like to try it another time without having to eat my burger in four bites WHILE walking into the movie I said, you can't find a good date like that anymore ;)! And I highly commend them on having Canada Dry Ginger Ale!! 4 out of 4 possible stars. And of course, you made it all worth my while! Love you, bud!

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

9:14 PM  

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