Monday, August 16, 2004

The Infamous Second Post

Okay, still not much to report. All's silent on the western front. But I have to be patient. I mean, as soon as school starts, all kinds of stuff is going to start happening, and that's good.

This summer went really fast, but compared to other summers, seemed to consist of nothing. In one aspect, that's kind of sad, but maybe it will help me to appreciate this school year more. Sure, school means getting up earlier, having assignments due, having to deal with some people that I'd rather not, but on the flipside, I get to see a lot more people that I miss over the summer and some of my classes are even fun. An example of this will hopefully be my AP English class.

There are a lot of good kids in that class, kids I can have fun with. Sam, Matt, Scott, David, and a few more that I can't quite remember off of my head. All of my memories of Mrs. Young's 10th grade class are simply of Scott and I doing as we pleased, but still getting the highest grades in that class. And that's pretty cool. I figure this class will either be really easy and fun, or really hard and fun. Either way, that's a good deal.

Also first sememster, I have some video editing class with Mr. Ehrmantraut for no credit, and I saw some real undeserving people sign up for it, so I don't know how that will go. David's in it with me, too, and that's wicked awesome, because I haven't had a lot of classes with my friends in High School, what with Spanish and Agriculture. Spanish was at least worth it, because I've met a lot of neat people in those classes, and Mrs. Simmers is pretty awesome. Now, Agriculture... I can't say much for that class. It was a good class, but the only person I felt I could really talk to in there was Jarrod Pollard, even though Mrs. Carnigie was really nice, too.

Anyway, I had better get back to what I've been doing for the past few weeks: Playing Nintendo, reading English AP books, and practicing baritone. So, until next time, don't spend all of your potatoes in one place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it's Jessica, for some reason it won't let me log in again.. hmm... anyway. Sounds like you're still having that simple kind of fun... eh, it's more then I've been doing, lol. Congrats, you lead a more productive life then me!

11:01 AM  

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